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LeoTouch android astrology

Revolutionary Kundli Software for Android

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Android based kundli software

astrology software for mobileLEOTOUCH meant for android based mobiles is a Janampatri software based primarily on Parashari however Jaimini, Lal Kitab, KP and Horary astrology has also been incorporated in it. This Kundli software LEOTOUCH is available in Hindi and English. LeoTouch horoscope software contains all aspects of astrology with comprehensive Calculations, Remedies, Predictions, Various Vedic Charts, Teva, Dashas, Matching, Varshphal, Numerology, Horary, K.P, Lal Kitab, Muhurat, Panchang, Mundane, Books, Calendar, Transit, Mantras and lots of other useful information. This Indian astrology software is also available in a Home Version (for students and home users) and Modules (all packages separately). In this Vedic software several horoscopes can be viewed and matched simultaneously on one single screen. Different Varshphal, KP calculations and Muhurats can be viewed and used simultaneously. LeoTouch kundali software has its own data bank containing birth details of thousands of celebrities which can be used for research and comparative study.

Now Future Point is presenting to you the ultimate astrology software for android mobile phones/Tabs. Its market value lies in its credibility and accuracy. LeoTouch horoscope software is accepted by astrologers all over the world with great appreciation. It really helps them to get most accurate calculation by just a click and saves their time.

Horoscope Software Leotouch Series

Horoscope Softwares of Leotouch series come in following versions:


LeoTouch Home


The horoscope software for amateur astrologers & students


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LeoTouch Varshphal


The horoscope software for amateur astrologers & students

7999 7199 10% OFF

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LeoTouch KP-Horary


The horoscope software for amateur astrologers & students

7999 7199 10% OFF

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LeoTouch Lal Kitab


The horoscope software for amateur astrologers & students

7999 7199 10% OFF

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LeoTouch Numerology


The horoscope software for amateur astrologers & students

7999 7199 10% OFF

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LeoTouch Muhurat


The horoscope software for amateur astrologers & students

7999 7199 10% OFF

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LeoTouch Panchang


The horoscope software for amateur astrologers & students

7999 7199 10% OFF

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LeoTouch Professional


The horoscope software for amateur astrologers & students

12999 10399 20% OFF

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LeoTouch Modules

Various modules which make LEOTOUCH unique and special kundli software:

  • Astrology

    Shodash Vargas, Shadbal, Dashaphal, Transit, longevity and databank of horoscopes

  • Tables

    Avakhada, Ashtakvarga, Festivals, Mantras, Rahukal, Yoga, Table of 249 number of kp

  • Matching

    Horoscope Matching on the basis of Ashtakoot Guna and Manglikdosh Matching

  • Varshphal

    Traditional/Modern Annual chart, Patyansh, Mudda and Vimsottari Dasha

  • KP

    KP horoscope, planet/house position, significators, 249 no. System, Vimshotri Dasha.

  • Horary

    Calculation and detailed answer of questions on the basis of horary astrology

  • Lal Kitab

    Lal Kitab module gives Lalkitab Kundli, Dasha, Debts, Varshphal, Remedies & Predictions.

  • Numerology

    Root number, destiny number, name number calculations with remedies & predictions.

  • Muhurat

    Muhurata for Job, Business, House Warming (Grah Pravesh), Marriage etc.

  • Mundane

    Price analysis, Transit of Planets, Result of Transit.

  • Panchang

    Create Panchang containing Tithi, Vaar, Nakshatra, Karan, Yog for any year.

lestar Home astrological(jyotishiya) modules: LeoTouch Teva, LeoTouch Matching, LeoTouch Tables

Additional Features of LeoTouch

In the horoscope made by LeoTouch not only the position of planets in houses can be analyzed rather the birth chart, Chalit chart, Dasha, Sarvashtak chart, Shadbal, Avakhada and various other charts used in making astrological predictions can be studied. This software has its own data bank containing birth details of thousands of celebrities which can be used for research and comparative study.

In this Kundli software several horoscopes can be viewed and matched simultaneously. Different Varshphal, KP calculations and Muhurats can be viewed and used simultaneously. This horoscope software is based primarily on Parashari however Jaimini, Lal Kitab, KP and Horary astrology has also been incorporated in it.

This horoscope software contains all aspects of astrology with comprehensive Calculations, Remedies, Prediction, Various Charts, Dashas, Matching, Varshphal, Numerology, Horary, K.P, Lal Kitab, Muhurat, Panchang, Mundane, Books, Calendar, Transit, Mantras and lots of other useful information. Available in Hindi and English with modules Astrology, Matching, Varshphal, Numerology, Horary, K.P, Lal Kitab, Muhurat, Panchang, Transit etc. It is also available in a Home Version (for students and home users) and Modules (all packages separately).

  • Most accurate and authentic astrological software.
  • Supports all Astrological Systems.
  • Charts - Birth Details, Planetary Degrees, Chalit, Five fold friend, Saptavargas, Shodashvargas, Vimshopaka, Avakhada & Ashtkoota
  • Dasha systems of 10 types – Vimsottari, Yogini, Char, Ashtottari, Tribhagi, Kal Chakra, Sodashottari, Shatabdika, Panchottari & Dwadshottari.
  • Vimshotri Dasha upto 5 level.
  • Exhaustive Computations of Horoscope, Varshphal, Matching, Horary Analysis, Lal Kitab, Numerology, Muhurat, Lal Kitab, KP System and Panchang.
  • Thousands of yogas.
  • Supports various Ayanamsa with a facility to add user defined Ayanamsa.
  • Permanent backup for all things done.
  • Horoscopes can be kept in different categories like sportspersons, politicians for research work.
  • Leo Touch already contains birth details of more than 5000 celebrities like film stars, sports persons, politicians, world leaders, musicians and stalwarts of other fields.
  • Language can be changed as per choice.
  • There is option of using Neptune, Pluto and Uranus as planets in chart.
  • Contains a data of longitude and latitude of 1Crore cities.
  • Facility of viewing many horoscopes at one time.
  • Detailed panchang with Lagan, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karan, Rashi, Rahukaal, Bhadra, Panchak, retrogression, Gandamool.
  • Various tables like planets, gems, planet friendship, planet significator, yoga table, Nakshatra- Gana/Nadi, Rashi-Vashya/Paya tables, Nakshatra-Lord/Alphabet tables, Hindu/Sikh/Jain festivals.
  • You can make PDF file which can be emailed.
  • In LeoTouch, you can customize the color and font style.
  • Contains all Indian calendar with Sunrise, Paksha, Nakshatra, Tithi.
  • Having everything on one screen is just amazing and highly beneficial
  • Easy to use, correct, capable of predictions by fast computations.
  • Various charts, Dashas and Computations can be seen on a single screen.
  • The Finance and Health Analysis on Daily, Monthly and Annual basis.
  • Contains Various Calendars.
  • Horary Tools such as Biorhythmic Chart and Tarot Cards.
  • Study Material on Astrology, Vastu, Numerology, Palmistry and Lal Kitab.
  • Transit - Graphical view to see and analyse planets and their positions. Transits till 9999.
  • Prediction - Navamsa/House/Planet/Dasha & Gochar Reading with 30 year prediction.
  • Easy to use, correct, capable of predictions by fast computations.
  • Yogini, Lagna, Chalit, Navamsha, Dashamsha, Moon Chart, Ashtak Bindus Chart, K.P. etc.
  • Reading Material for Palmistry, Numerology, Vastu, Astrology, Kalsarpa Yoga, Analysis of Mangal Dosh.
  • Various Horary Tools such as Tarot Cards, Gautam Kevli Mahavidya, Ram Shalaka etc. The Bio-rhythm Chart is a useful feature for knowing the ups and downs of Health, Finance and Emotions. A useful aspect is incorporation of various books of astrology that are fit for regular consultation.
  • Remedy – Gem selection on the basis of Dasha, specification of metal, finger. Wearing gem on the basis of planet and Nakshatra. Mantras for Grahas, Sadesati. Articles of planets for donation.

Why LeoTouch?

Checkout why astrologers prefer LeoTouch?

A very frequent question being asked in office or phone is which software one should buy. Should they go for desk top or Laptop based software Leo Star or Android based Leo Touch. Software is the same in both so the buyer gets confused many times when he has to select one.

Well, with my experience I would like to place my opinion for your selection. For those who are stationed in one office from ten to six and have their own commercial shop for astrology then of course Leo Star is good for taking detailed printout and seeing the horoscope for consultancy on laptop or desktop.

In metro cities where life is mobile, people are spending two to three hours on road it is really difficult to carry your lap top always with you, here comes Leo Touch in the picture. Everyone is carrying a phone in their pocket and LeoTouch is there to solve your queries whether you are in car, facing traffic jam, in train or plane or in a function, you can be the centre of attraction by displaying your smart phone with latest astrological software Leo Touch. Whether it’s general horoscope, matching, numerology report or lal kitab remedies, you can quench the thirst of questions any time anywhere for any birth place in few minutes. Sometimes when people don’t have birth details you can show heroic deeds by replying through Prashana phal. It comes out to be very accurate at times.

For knowing the auspicious time for activities like purchase of new car, Grih Pravesh, Marriage or Mundan ceremony of children, Panchang muhurta is there for your convenience.

In your free or travelling time, you can learn and update your knowledge by going through so many tables which are self explanatory and very easy to learn the basics.

For maintaining a list of clients you can store all birth details familywise.

You can also play so many mantras to reduce the negative energy and get the benefits of mantra as per your choice or requirement. In fact mantra can be played 108 times to get positive vibes.

There is another program of Leo Query which has so many popular small programs which are used all over India for ages like Ram Shalakha from Ramayana and get instant answer to your query. Tarot card is also a very good alternative to get correct intuition

One can also see the current movement of planets to give daily prediction.

All this is possible not only on Android based phone but also on Tab which has a bigger screen.

Even print out can be taken by attaching your phone to a computer or laptop.

In this age of Internet, PDF file can be sent by mail.

So just by a soft touch of yours the entire world of astrology is before you.

Its price is also half the price of best desktop astrology software Leostar. So why not opt for it.

Whether one is amateur, learner or a professional astrologer it is the best for all. We are sure you can’t resist yourself any more to order for the same.

Leo Touch program today typically make accurate planetary positions, calculations, display these positions, save and retrieve individuals’ data to and from database files, compare the planetary positions of different charts to find the astrological aspects between them (e.g. for compatibility), calculate the dates of important events in the future for a chart, and re-search the saved chart database. Leo Touch has atlas, allowing the review of the longitudes, latitudes and time zone observance. Leo Touch also assembles interpretive text about the various element combinations in a chart into comprehensive reports. But for that it shall be essential to make the PDF file of the desired material.


LeoTouch comes in 2 major Indian languages.

LeoTouch is available in Hindi, English and shortly it shall be available in other languages like Gujrati, Marathi, Oriya, Bangla, Assami, Telugu, Panjabi and Nepali. For each topic (Dasha, horoscope, prediction) the language can be changed as per your choice.

LeoTouch (Best software for Astrologers, Astrology software, Future Prediction Software) with extraordinary features

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