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Astrology software faqs

Read the answer of common quries raised by user:


Question 1. What type of mobile is needed for LeoTouch software?

Android based mobile and tablet with android OS 2.3 or above.

Question 2. What is the difference between Parashar Lite, Kundli and LeoTouch software??

Credibility because of its accuracy is the main hallmark of our software. Muhurat, Panchaang and printing facilities in our software is better than other softwares.

Question 3. Why it is expensive than other astrological softwares?

It is expensive as compared to other astrological software because of its credibility, accuracy and quality. This software is the result of extensive research work of more than 25 years. The after sale support system provided by our team for its up gradation and rectification of technical problems is outstanding. The after sale support is absolutely free for one year.

Question 4. Can we send the Horoscope through by email?

Yes, you can send the Horoscope in PDF format.

Question 5. How many Languages in the LeoTouch software?

Right now we are having 2 Languages Hindi & English and we are working on other Indian and foreign languages too.

Question 6. Difference between LeoTouch Home and LeoTouch professional software version?

Leo Star Home version contains Astrological Calculation like Birth Detail, Planetary Degree, Chalit, Shodash Charts, Vimsottari Dasha, House Reading, Remedies and yearly predictions. Some Books, Match making of Kundli which contain planetary Degree with chart and Ashtakoot, Mangalik Vichar and Conclusion.

Leo Star Professional version includes Leo Gold and has detailed Astrological calculation + Astrological prediction + Matching + Remedies + Yogas, Varshphal + Lal Kitab + Horary + KP + Numerology + Muhurath + Transit + Panchang +Mundane+ Tables + Above 50 Books.

Question 7. What are the Packages in LeoTouch Home & LeoTouch Professional?

The LeoTouch Home Packages are : Teva, Matching and Astrological Tables.

The LeoTouch Professional Packages are: Astrology, Matching, Varshphal, Horary, KP-System, Lal Kitab, Numerology, Panchang, Mahurat, Mundane & Astrological Tables.

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