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LeoTouch Software

Advanced, Comprehensive and Accurate LeoTouch Numerology Software

Buy LeoTouch Numerology (Bilingual) 7999 7199  

Most advanced, comprehensive and accurate Kundli software

LeoTouch testimonials It is specially designed for professional astrologers and persons who want to start a business in the field of astrology.

The best astrological software LeoTouch has brought revolution in the field of astrology by making it reach to common man. Its market value lies in its credibility. The reason behind its popularity is its accuracy. It really helps astrologers to get most accurate calculation by just a click and saves their time. This astrological software contains complete Astrological Calculation with Remedies, Predictions, Various Charts, Dashas etc. Available in Hindi and English with modules Astrology, Numerology, Books, Calendar, Transit, Mantras and lots of other useful informations. This is perfect business tool for professional astrologers.

LeoTouch astrological software is based on accurate astrological calculations. This astrological software is the result of years of extensive research work. You can use it easily with the little help of somebody as it is simple and user friendly. According to astrologers it is the easiest astrological software in the world. One can get most accurate, excellent and comprehensive results from this software.


Various modules which make LEOTOUCH unique and special astrological software:

  • Astrology

    Shodash Vargas, Shadbal, Dashaphal, Transit, longevity and databank of horoscopes

  • Tables

    Avakhada, Ashtakvarga, Festivals, Mantras, Rahukal, Yoga, Table of 249 number of kp

  • Numerology

    Root number, destiny number, name number calculations with remedies & predictions.

lestar Home astrological(jyotishiya) modules: LeoTouch Teva, LeoTouch Matching, LeoTouch Tables

Additional Features of LeoTouch

This is a unique software containing great features in it. It contains Astrology, Numerology, Tables in Hindi, English language. It also incorporates Sagar Chakra, Mantra, Tarot and Ramal. Astrologers can use these systems too. You can also get a print out of it. Astrologers can easily customize it according to their needs. Kundli, Dasha and Lagna chart can be used as per required convenience. LeoTouch is best answer to get accurate horoscopes instantly. There doesn’t remain any possibility of any illusion regarding the degrees and placement of planets.

It is specially designed for professional astrologers and persons who want to start a business in the field of astrology. It is available in languages like Hindi, English. User can upgrade the package any time.

  • Astrology - Astronomical position, Shodash Vargas (16 divisional charts), Shadbal (strength of planets), Dashaphal, Transit and Longevity
  • Table - Contains all important tables used in astrology like avakhada, ashtakvarga, numerology, mundane, varshphal, lalkitab table etc.
  • Numerology - Radical Number, Lucky Number, Name Number Calculations, List of Remedies, Deciding the favourable name according to Numerology, Name Number Predictions
  • Prediction - Navamsa/House/Planet/Dasha & Gochar Reading.
  • Longevity - Remarks, Summary, Jaimini, Pindayu, Anshayu, Nisargayu, Gandmool Result
  • Transit – transits till 9999.
  • Astro Graph - Health, Finance, Emotion -Daily, Weekly, Monthly,Yearly, 10 yearly.
  • Most accurate and authentic astrological software.
  • Supports all Astrological Systems.
  • Charts - Birth Details, Planetary Degrees, Chalit, Five fold friend, Saptavargas, Shodashvargas, Vimshopaka, Avakhada & Ashtkoota
  • Dasha systems of 10 types – Vimsottari, Yogini, Char, Ashtottari, Tribhagi, Kal Chakra, Sodashottari, Shatabdika, Panchottari & Dwadshottari.
  • Vimshotri Dasha upto 5 level.
  • Exhaustive Computations of Horoscope, Varshphal, Matching, Horary Analysis, Lal Kitab, Numerology, Muhurat, Lal Kitab, KP System and Panchang.
  • Thousands of yogas.
  • Supports various Ayanamsa with a facility to add user defined Ayanamsa.
  • Permanent backup for all things done.
  • Horoscopes can be kept in different categories like sportspersons, politicians for research work.
  • Leo Touch already contains birth details of more than 5000 celebrities like film stars, sports persons, politicians, world leaders, musicians and stalwarts of other fields.
  • Language can be changed as per choice.
  • There is option of using Neptune, Pluto and Uranus as planets in chart.
  • Contains a data of longitude and latitude of 1 Crore cities.
  • Facility of viewing many horoscopes at one time.
  • Various tables like planets, gems, planet friendship, planet significator, yoga table, Nakshatra- Gana/Nadi, Rashi-Vashya/Paya tables, Nakshatra-Lord/Alphabet tables, Hindu/Sikh/Jain festivals.
  • In LeoTouch, you can customize the color and font style.
  • Contains all Indian calendar with Sunrise, Paksha, Nakshatra, Tithi.
  • Easy to use, correct, capable of predictions by fast computations.
  • Various charts, Dashas and Computations can be seen on a single screen.
  • The Finance and Health Analysis on Daily, Monthly and Annual basis.
  • Contains Various Calendars.
  • Horary Tools such as Biorhythmic Chart and Tarot Cards.
  • Study Material on Astrology, Vastu, Numerology, Palmistry and Lal Kitab.
  • Transit - Graphical view to see and analyse planets and their positions. Transits till 9999.
  • Prediction - Navamsa/House/Planet/Dasha & Gochar Reading with 30 year prediction.
  • Easy to use, correct, capable of predictions by fast computations.
  • Yogini, Lagna, Chalit, Navamsha, Dashamsha, Moon Chart, Ashtak Bindus Chart, K.P. etc.
  • Reading Material for Palmistry, Numerology, Vastu, Astrology, Kalsarpa Yoga, Analysis of Mangal Dosh.
  • Various Horary Tools such as Tarot Cards, Gautam Kevli Mahavidya, Ram Shalaka etc. The Bio-rhythm Chart is a useful feature for knowing the ups and downs of Health, Finance and Emotions. A useful aspect is incorporation of various books of astrology that are fit for regular consultation.
  • Remedy – Gem selection on the basis of Dasha, specification of metal, finger. Wearing gem on the basis of planet and Nakshatra. Mantras for Grahas, Sadesati. Articles of planets for donation.


LeoTouch comes in major Indian languages.

LeoTouch is available in Hindi, English. For each topic (Dasha, horoscope, prediction) the language can be changed as per your choice.



LeoTouch bhavishyaphal, prediction
  • User can add/edit his predictions.
  • Create your own astrological rules/conditions using the friendly LEO scripting language.
  • Predictions can be translingual i.e. on the same page print the same prediction in any number of languages.
  • Dynamically readjust color, font, size, alignment, etc.
  • Insert pictures of your choice, into your predictions for better illustration.


Jyotish chart, Astro graph
  • Create your own charts & use them into LeoTouch.
  • Full control of planet names, font size, color, alignment etc.
  • Superimpose "chart in a chart" to any level and then further configure each of these charts.
  • User defined support for dynamically configuring the astrological chart type, print language, colors etc.


LeoTouch, kundli lekha, horscope accounting
  • Comprehensive reporting on horoscopes printed/processed.
  • Selective reporting based on astrologer, language, model, etc. to get better planning
  • Permanent backup support for all transactions.
  • Categorize your horoscopes based on research, trends, sport persons, politicians etc. for better planning.
  • Device month wise report of sales figures.

User Customization

LeoTouch software customizable
  • User can create custom page layouts.
  • User can create custom models.
  • User can create custom chart templates.
  • User can create custom predictions.
  • User can define his own paper sizes and printer settings.
  • User can add, delete or modify his own city


large horoscope bank, can store huge collection of kundli data
  • LeoTouch databank contains information of more than 5 thousand people.
  • Databank contains horoscopes and other astrological data of thousands of VIP in different field like – sports, politics, film, science, business etc.
  • You can also save your family photos in this software.


useful hindu mantras, ritual mantras, vaidic mantras for health, wealth and success
  • Mantras can be recited from LeoTouch.
  • Accurate pronounciation of Mantras helps in rectifying the Doshas of planets.
  • Configure the software to listen mantra available in LeoTouch at the start of the program upto any number of times specified by you.
  • Facility to listen any other mantra of your own, available on your computer from LeoTouch.


LeoTouch horary, LeoTouch prashna shashtra, LeoTouch astrology query system
  • Ank Shakunavli
  • Bio-Rhythmic Graph
  • Chart Ramal
  • Box of 15
  • Garbhini Prashna
  • Gautam Kevli Maha Vidya
  • Jin Kevli Shakunavli
  • Karya Prichha
  • Nakshatra
  • Number Ramal
  • Pasavli
  • Ram Shalaka
  • Ramadi Prashna Chakram
  • Ramal Shakunavli
  • Sagar Chakra
  • Santan
  • Tarrot Cards
  • Teesa Yantra
  • Vinod Manjari
  • Yugadi Dev
  • Ank Shakunavli


leostar other facility like numerology, bangoli calnedar, napali calendar, vastu, palmistry
  • Exhaustive computations of Horoscopes and Matching.
  • Easy to use, correct, capable of predictions by fast computations.
  • Contains data of 50 Lakh cities.
  • Various charts, Dashas and Computations can be seen on a single screen.
  • The Finance and Health Analysis on Daily, Monthly and Annual basis.
  • Contains Various Calendars.
  • Various Mantras can be listened.
  • Horary Tools such as Biorythm Chart and Tarot Cards.
  • Pages Contain : Birth Details, Planetary Degrees, Chalit, Shodash Varg charts, Vimshottari Dasha. Five fold friend, Shodashottari Dasha, Tribaghi Dasha, Ashtottari Dasha, Yogini Dasha, Kaal Chakra Dasha, Char Dasha, Birth Reading with 10 year prediction.
  • Various Dasha upto 5 level.
  • Transit - Graphical view to see and analyse planets and their positions.
  • Various predictions- Navamsa, planet and house reading.